In order to avoid damages produced by water, an important aspect of plumbing basics is knowing how to check a sump pump in London for proper functioning periodically. Our plumbers in London expose the necessary steps in order to do just that:
Table of Contents
1. Eliminate any debris
Look for the exterior pipe which collects the water when it drains from the pump. Verify the pipe interior to make sure there is no debris or dirt blocking the drain. Eliminate the debris, if any.
2. Test the plugs
The next step in checking your sump pump in London is testing the plugs. Find the sump pump in your home basement. Locate the two electrical cords from the pump to the electrical orifice. The cord of the pump plugs inside the back of the float cord plug. Jerk the plugs from the orifice, pull the plugs separately and plug the cord of the pump only back inside the orifice. The pump should start running. Unplug the pump and plug the cords back into the wall starting with the float and the cord of the pump ploughed into the back of the float pump. Our plumbers in London can run this test for you.
3. Verify the on and off modes
The third step of testing your sump pump is London begins with removing the lid, if there is one. With a flashlight, verify whether the sump is clean and the inlets of the pump are not plugged. Then, slowly pour water in the sump, simulating the speed by which the water would naturally flow into it. Observe the on or off action of the switch and listen to the pump. Ensure it turns on and off at least a couple of times.
4. How can plumbers near me fix the problem?
If the sump pump fails either of these tests, it is time to fix or replace it and in this case you should consider getting help from a reliable plumber in London.
Why should you check your sump pump in London? As you know rainfall is quite common in this country, and every homeowner here needs to make sure he or she has a dry home basement. Sump pumps are an important piece of equipment which ensure the proper removal of the water which has accumulated in the sump basin from the basement of houses.
During the heavy rainfalls and especially in the wet month, or because of the natural ground, water could penetrate through the perimeter drains of the waterproofing system of a basement, channeling into the basin if the basement is found under the water table level.
A sump pump is also important because it eliminates the water collected because of condensation from the air conditioner or water from the airway drains, avoiding the accumulation of moisture around the house foundation or in the basement floor.
If you need to know more about checking your sump pump or you need assistance in repairing or replacing one, please contact our emergency plumber in London.